
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Graphis Advertising 2010 Book Vid

I found a blog with reviews of various art and art concept books. In it is a video of the guy flipping through the 2010 volume of the Graphis Ad book:

You could pause it here and there to take a longer look at some of the best ads of last year or go to the link to see some pictures:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Movie Titles that caught my I

Very cool title sequence. Communicates the time frame of the movie.

 Great title sequence. Homage to the comic book from which the movie came. Also nice type and color treatment.
Iconic. Simple. The exclamation mark makes it funny as it is a funny movie.
Great type and kerning.
Bat. Blood, gravestone looking font. Enough said.
This series of titles are memorable and fun. The arrows point back and forward like the words they interact with. Back and future are larger since they are the most important words in the title. Well put together.

Looks like a dog tag without a dog in it. The lightning in the O shows that this dog is special somehow.

 The bugs in the word bugs. Good use of negative space.

The slab typeface indicates the time the movie is in. The color and texture compliments that. Also Gangs is large like it is an important aspect of the movie.
 This very simply shows that the iron giant is big and iron. The type treatment compliment the words well.

The Lion King-Very memorable
3:10 to Yuma-Old west design
Up- Very interesting use of type looking down at us looking "Up"
 This sequence helped make godzilla look like a real creature instead of a man in a suit. The island also looks .like the old godzillas back.

This type is very hardcore and metal like Iron man is.

This type looks just like the visuals from the movie and tim burtons style.

Cool use of type to look like a light bulb. Clever for City of Ember.

The type is very futuristic.
Nightmare is rendered in a scary way in red. and Elm street's typeface looks like a street sign typeface that are usually white.

Very iconic typeface for all three of these movies. Complimented by the spiderweb.

 The iconic weirdly skewed X for the weird things the X files deals with.

Once again, this has that playful creepy look tim burton is known for.
Very iconic script for the simple title. The gold on black is very jazzy and classic.

This title looks old like the time frame of the movie. It also kind of looks like blood.

The difference in color in this title changes it from just grunge to a car crash.

The blast of color seems very alive and being alive is one of the main subjects of the movie. The type is very robotic.

An interesting way of showing type on a computer screen.


Type Based Movie Posters

Even without reading the title, you know this has to do with seeing. The haze indicates it has to do with a lack of seeing.

The H creates a horizon line. No color needed.
 I don't know what this movie is about but the design elements tell a story anyway. The typeface says wild west. The mountain of type says wild west setting. The O and chain say wild west prisoner to me. All type.

All of the titles not only say ELI but they also describe the characters and their place in the movie. I also like how the actors names are put on their dark clothes and inverted.

Cool use of type to show the depth at which this guy is buried. I also like how the title of the movie is designed. It is not the biggest word but it is the only thing that is not black or white. It is also at the same angle as the picture.

Great movie title of all type to mend these two futuristic spacey action movies together. Typeface + Letter orientation = success.

The old angled type treatment. Not especially clever but it does its job for communicating a clever scheme movie and it makes for an attractive, well designed poster.

Typeface says scary thriller movie about a crazy person and the 4 makes a knife. Simple and effective.

Series of type posters that make images that hit the concept of the movie on the head.

Very nice minimal use of an ampersand.

Very good poster for the concept of fargo.

Mazes that are letters that say Inception. Also shows the layered aspect of the movie.

Funny poster using type and a condom to censor the title. The space on the condom is used well also.

Great poster for A.I. Shows the boy is a manufactured thing that is curious about life. Point blank.