
Friday, April 6, 2012

Ralph Lauren 4D Projection Mapping Show, Berlin

This is not new but it is amazing what a projector can do. Graphic design plus technology really brings magic to life.

Have a look

An example of the Marriage of editing, sound and content

A Study of Legs

The piece linked above is a great example of the power of the right combination of sound, editing and content. Each by themselves would be much less interesting but with these elements composed in this piece, it creates such an individual experience.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Presentation by my new hero Kyle Cooper

I found a presentation by Kyle Cooper, the guy who shook the film title world with his many pieces such as "Se7en". I thought it was helpful and relevent to our current project: See him here

Motion Graphics Resources and Blogs

I found this collection of blogs and sites that offer info and tutorials for motion graphics. Look through and learn here