
Friday, February 18, 2011

Dragon's Horde Logo (Down to 4)

Dragon's Horde is a comic book, trading card game and related collectible and apparel store.

I have narrowed the logo redesign down to four slightly different variations. Two shades of red, two shapes and either just red or red and yellow.

The yellow gives the logo some variation and adds to the fireball appearance. However the single color stands on its own without the flash.

The twirl shape is slimmer and has more of a dragons scales sample look to it. The zig zag has more action and a better fade effect. Looks like a paint scribble or some claw slashes.

One red is deeper and has more of a presence and the other more slightly more orange red is brighter like a comic book color.

Please comment, I would love some advice.

-Kwame Amuleru

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