
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Self Portrait Made of Type

The assignment was presented to my class at the beginning of class. We had one class period(less than three hours) to create the piece. We had to take a picture with the camera on the computer in the lab for reference, then choose a typeface or a few and words that represent us and make a self portrait.

I chose Bauhaus for a number of reasons. I wanted to play with the my mixture of being silly and serious. Bauhaus to me is a typeface that can seem both serious and playful. Its also a geometric typeface(my favorite type) and the Bauhaus is very important in the design field...which obviously is my major and passion. My illustration is made completely from the letters in my name and the title.
As it developed it reminded me of a movie poster so I decided to make that what it is. Staring me in the feature "The Man Without The Plan"

 This the picture I used as reference:

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